Nora was diagnosed with B Cell ALL on April 22, 2020. We had been going to the doctor for about a month because she had been waking up with severe pain in her arm. After taking two X-rays and finding nothing her doctor decided we should do some blood work. We got a first call letting us know there was something odd in her blood work and that they were sending it up to UVM, and the next day they called and gave us the diagnosis. We were devastated, this is nothing anyone can ever be prepared to hear. They told us to immediately go up to UVMMC and Nora was admitted for 11 days. Nora is the strongest person we have ever met, she has kept her positive attitude throughout her treatments and almost always has a big smile plastered to her face. Her team of doctors, nurses, and child life specialists have been so amazing along with everyone else up at the hospital. Times are hard right now, as they are for everyone with Covid-19 and having to isolate. We can't begin to explain what this gift will mean to us. Having a cushion so we don't have to decide between paying our bills and doing everything in our power to keep Nora as healthy as possible is a huge weight off of our shoulders. Thank you! -The Champneys